Sunday, October 10, 2010

Do unto others

On yesterday while I was in Hazelwood visiting my big brother, I stopped to get gas. It was $2.61 vs. $2.89 back home and in the city.

While leaving the store to pump my gas and guy came up, "Ms. Lady, can you spare a couple of dollars, I'm homeless and I need to give this guy some money so he can give me a ride." I didn't think twice before, I reached in my pocket and handed him the bundle of ones I had. I looked behind him and sure enough there was a guy there so I didn't count the money, I just assumed that his story was true. I didn't want to ask questions. He was thanking me and his tone changed when he found out I gave him way more than what he asked. He was so appreciative. Well, I went to pump my gas and I overpaid and went back inside and it looked like the guy was still asking for money. So in the back of my mind I wanted to ask him if he really was gonna use it for gas money, but I didn't. I just kept thinking about if I was in need and I really needed it would someone give it to me. I was taught that you reap what you sow and now that I"m in my situation, I want to make sure that I don't question someone when they have a need. Because it can be humiliating to have to tell someone you are homeless.

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How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...