Sunday, June 10, 2018

Prophetic Dream

The dream I had last night was interesting. PTG was in the dream and I was sitting next to Miranda. PTG came to Miranda and told her that he sees a gold band on her ring finger soon. Basically he was telling her that she would be married soon. Then he looked at me, I was feeling a little envious because Miranda is a young woman in her twenties and here I am in my forties. What about me was my thinking. So he looked at me and said, “how old are you?”  I told him that I was over 40, I was 41. He said, “align yourself with the word of God.”  Basically he was telling me that in order for me to get married I need to live the word of God, be accountable to Gods word, do what the word says and then I’ll get married.

There was something else in the dream but I don’t remember it. But then I woke up.

Wow. Help me Jesus to live your word.

How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...