Thursday, August 18, 2016

Finally Able to Go

I started a "30-Day Renew Me" plan for myself this month. It started off a little rocky especially with my diet. My goals for the month included:

Praying 2x day
Reading my Bible daily
Losing 5lbs
Saving $1000

Right now I am in week 3 of a 4.5 week month and I am doing a water fast. Actually, not just plain water, but chlorophyll water and coconut water daily. I do not buy the chlorophyll water, but I have bought concentrated chlorophyll that I put into my water along with lemon. I drink about 1.5 liters a day and if I'm thirsty I drink more. It was suggested that I drink about 2 liters, but I haven't. I wanted my last half liter to be bone broth, but I haven't made it yet.

I can say that after 3 days of fasting I feel GREAT. Acutally, I'm not a novice when it comes to fasting. When I was growing up, our church would do water fasting for about a week and I would try it and it became a lifestyle. Now my church doesn't do water fasting, we do partial/modified fast for 21 days at the beginning of the year and we gradually reduce our food and the last 7 days we drink juice and water if we can. For those who are new to fasting they can eat seeds and nuts (not peanuts). Also my church fast on Fridays too until 5pm. So fasting is a lifestyle for me. I will say that I was a little apprehensive about the water fast because I ate horribly the week before. I didn't gorge but I did have ice cream and sour patch worms (a whole bag) fried chicken and other fast food that I should not have eaten.

But, I'm feeling great and I'm not that tired or hungry. I have lost about 6 lbs, but I'm sure that's a lot of water weight. I do think about food a lot, but I pray and get to bed early. Today was my first BM. I was concerned at first because I usually have a BM when I eat, but because I haven't put anything in my mouth since Sunday, it's just sitting there in my gut. I do want to do some type of colon cleanser to get "moving" but I was waiting on some herbal supplements that I though would have been in the mail by now. I've read that if you do sea salt in warm water it makes you have a BM. I might try that. I am going to break my fast on Saturday because I have a baby shower to go to and then a retirement party. I'm gonna be smart...I bought watermelon that I'm going to eat for breakfast then I will eat light for the rest of the day.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blast From the Past

A woman is embarking on a journey of starting a business after she was forced out of her six-figure job. As she's working on her business plan, she reads documents from her great great great great grandfather and how be became a millionaire in 1882 by owning over 2000 acres of land in Tennessee. As she is working on starting this business, she's reaching back to get strength from her ancestors whom she never knew.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Get Ur Stuff

I'm embarking on a journey....a business journey. God spoke to me in December 2011 and He said that I would be helping people with their businesses. In February 2012 the woman of God spoke the same thing...2 Corinthians 13 tells us that out of the mouths of two or three let every word be established. Let it be so.....

So, this is the year for me to do this. I was in the market for a new home, but I'm going to hold off on that so that I can get this business off the ground.  It's time for me to walk in the things of God and now continue to allow fear to stifle me.

I have a great, great, great, great grandfather who was an amazing businessman. In his will he left 13 of his 15 children land. On this land there were peach was farming land that he had amassed over his lifetime. He was born in 1825 and died in 1887 and after the emancipation proclamation in 1865, he was able to become a sharecropper. From his earnings, he began buying land. It was said that he had over 2000 acres of land (that may be an exaggeration). However, in his will he left land to 13 of his 15 children. It was enough land for each of them to have their own farm.

Over the years some of the land has been lost, but we still have some in Boliver, TN. My brother and I are planning a trip to visit the land to see what's left.

When I learned this information, I was amazed. How did a black man (colored or negro was what they were called back then) manage to become such a shrewd business man.  It was also said that he had a child with a white woman which was grounds for execution, but because of his favor in the community, he was only fined $300 and he was given the child to raise. Her name was Elizabeth.


So I have no excuse, but to succeed. He was even considered a full human and we had limited rights back then.

My uncle shared with me the realization that my generation of blacks were born with all of our rights. The voting rights that prohibited blacks was signed into law in 1965. My mother was born in 1960. She didn't have the right to vote when she was born (of course she couldn't at that age, but you know what I mean). Yes there is still racism in the land and there are still obstacles and barriers, but what my grandfather did was defy all of those barriers. So I have no excuse. I am my only excuse and I must get out of the way to do what God has anointed me to do..

How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...