Wednesday, January 2, 2019


It's January 1, 2019 and I am happy and blessed to see a new year.....

So why am I in a funk?


I'm grateful to see a new year, but there is this heaviness that is looming around me....let's evaluate 2018.

I started 2018 with Mr Ohio. I had a hard time keeping my head focused. So I struggled to deal with him. Things began to stabilize at the end of May....stabilize relationship wise, but work was CRAZY. We have to scramble to complete 12 mos of work in 5 months. It was bananas and I screwed some stuff up, but I don't work well under pressure.

Anyway, I worked three jobs to help pay for my home remodel. And it EXHAUSTED ME!!

But, I met CB in July and it's been a rollar coaster ride with him.

As a matter of fact he just left here and I'm so unsettled. OMG....

To be continued....

How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...