Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm not sure if that's the way I feel, but it's causing me some anxiety.

I emailed a friend of mine to ask her is she needed a ride to her computer class today. She emailed me back and told me that she was offered a job. I told her that I was thanking God for her. I then went to the unemployment office to pick her up. She was there completing the paperwork for the job. She told me that it was with a bank. I told her I was offered a job at a bank and I told her the bank and she said it was the same one. We just laughed because now Kim, me and her would all be working at the same bank and we could ride together. She then pointed to a girl sitting next to her and said that she would be working there also. WOW. The girl she was pointing to was Jae another girl that I knew. They had just met, but Jae is a member of my church, she just hadn't been there in a while. So we were all excited. Then I went to the temp office to take my friend there because she couldn't fill out the forms online and I was told that my background hadn't gone through yet. WHAT???? I was thinking that I would be starting a job on tomorrow, but now I'm not sure. I can't work without my background being completed. Ugh!!!!!! And on top of that, I misplaced my phone. So, I have to call the temp office early tomorrow morning to see if my background has gone through and then I'll know if I can go to work tomorrow. Dag!!!! Tam, the lady at the temp agency mentioned to me that she didn't know that I lived out to state. I told her that I hadn't and then I remembered back in 2002, my identity was stolen and a person in Virginia got a Sprint cell phone in my name and they didn't pay the bill and it was on my credit report. It took me two years to clear that mess up, but the address is still on my credit report. I told Tam this and she said that maybe that was the reason my background hadn't come back yet. HUH!!!

So now, I'm quite anxious. But, I'm not gonna complain!!! I'm gonna stand on the word of God and know that if it's mine, I will get it!! I have to. That's what I told Steph to do, so I've got to eat my words!!!!

Thank you God for my job!!!

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