Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Life in Song

There have been several songs that have defined different periods in my life...I thought I'd share.

March 2002
I was going though a pretty rough period. The had just found out that the guy I was dating--had been dating for almost a year, was married. We broke up and a month later I found out I was pregnant. I was angry, scared, alone....It wasn't a good time. I bought Maxwell's tape and played it OUT.

 April 2004 Mister and I had broken up, but we were still seeing each other. The problem is I went on ONE date with March 2002 guy and I ended up pregnant. I called him and his reaction was similar to Usher. I had something important to tell him and he was blowing me off. When I told him, he didn't believe me. That was
the last time I talked to him


November 2004
Mister and I broke up again. It was a crazy, crazy time. We lost our daughter, I got really sick, and life was just topsy turvy...but, this song just kept playing.


 2005---- I was going nuts, in and out of relationships. Some times I thought I was going crazy. This songwas on my playlist all the time.

 Fall 2010 I found myself homeless, but NOT HOPELESS....I was looking for a miracle and my faith is all I had to hold on to. So I held on for dear life!!

 2011 The sun was starting to shine again. Thank God!!


In 2012 I was dating Coach and as much as I wanted that to work. It just wasn't going to. It wasn't meant to be. We went cloud 9 to hell very quickly. I wish I could get that part of my life back.

 This year, I've been all about praises to God!!

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