Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Need to Ask You a Few More Questions

The Director from the univesity called me yesterday. She left me a message that she needed to ask me a few more questions. She is ready to make her final decisions, but she needed more information from me. Her first questions:

Where do you see yourself over the next 5 years?

I told her that I was working on my 15 year plan. I want to work at an industry for the next 10 years while I work on my Ph.D and then I want to move up. Well, actually I want to move up while I'm working over those 10 years. I also told her that I want to be a college president. Which has been one of my dreams, but I'm not quite sure how much I want to do that. I also want to run my own educational program or be a principal of a small school.

Why do you want to do that?

I told her that I was inspired by the current community college president. I also told her that I would like to be a community college president.

Where do you see the program going?

I told her that I would love to help the students to work with faculty members to do more research and career development.

What area of student development do you see yourself working in?

I told her that I love leadership and career development.

She asked a few other questions, but I don't remember. I believe that the decision is between me and another candidate. I'm gonna be positive, but I haven't heard anything from her today. *Breathe*

Later on I emailed her additional information about how I was inspired by Dr. Jonetta Cole who was the first woman president at an HBCU. I also told her that I was looking at how many women community college presidents there were in Illinoin and there weren't many.

I don't know if this information helped her to understand my goals, but I wanted to make sure she understood me.

I won't be upset if I don't get the job, I'll just have to continue to trust God.

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