Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Have a Gift



1. something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.
2. the act of giving.
3. something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned: Those extra points he got in the game were a total gift. 
4. a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent: the gift of saying the right thing at the right time.

I had a dream last night. In the dream, my oldest brother (my mother's son) was little--maybe 12 and he has this gift that he was trying to give to my grandmother. It was a card that had money in it. The money was coins that he had, but he had a hard time keeping the money inside the envelope with the card because somehow the envelop had split at the bottom and the coins kept falling out. So I was helping him tape the card together, but the card was made so that if it was taped, it would mess it up, so instead of putting the coins in the envelop, I took them all out, threw the envelop away and just put the coins inside the card. He was pleased and he got his card and his gift and he gave it to my grandmother. The gift he was giving her wasn't much; it was like dish detergent and cleaning supplies in a basket, but he was so proud of his gift and that he was giving it to his grandmother. It was actually more than just the card that my other brother was giving my grandmother. It seemed like the gift was coming from his heart even though he didn' t pay much for it. He exclaimed that he only paid .85 for the gift. I ssshhhhh'd him and told him he wasn't supposed to tell anyone how much he paid.  My grandmother was pleased.

I woke up from that dream wondering.....

The Bible teaches us that if we are sons of God, we are gifted--everyone who names the name of Christ is gifted, no matter what and the gifts are given to us freely. The gifts that God gives to his children are to be used for service to mankind. Unlike the gift my brother was giving, he had to pay for it, but when God gives us gifts, they are given to us without having to pay for anything and the only thing that we have to do in return is use the gift. It is our responsibility, when God gives us something, to use it. He doesn' t give us something to just sit on the shelf. My brother was giving my grandmother cleaning supplies--my grandmother was a housewife--she needed those cleaning supplies.

God doesn't give us something that we can't use!!

God doesn't give us something that we can't use!!

God doesn't give us something that we can't use!!!

And not only that, we have to give an account for what we've done with out gift here on earth. I believe the dream was telling me that God has gifted my brother and he needs to use that gift--he needs to give it away so that others can be helped. I believe the dream was also reminding me that my gift is to help others to come to find their gift; my brother needed help with using his gift. So, I have to help...I have to use the gift that God gave me to help my brother because he has a gift also.

Thank God for the gifts.

Father, in the name of Jesus,

I really want to use my gifts for your glory. I want to be obedient to your word, in Jesus name. Amen!

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