Thursday, October 24, 2013


I have to learn how to stop living out of my emotions....

Emotional eating, emotional sleeping, emotional buying, EMOTIONAL DESTRUCTION.

People's emotions get them into trouble all the time. If I'm in a funk, I eat the wrong things and too much of it. When things aren't going well, I want to just sleep and let's not talk about the hundreds of dollars wasted in retail therapy.

I'm making a declaration.


I though it was my flesh, but it's really my emotions that are ruling my flesh.  I'm not disciplined in my eating because of my emotions. I"m not disciplined in my money because of my emotions. I've been in BAD relationships because of my emotions--Ok, my flesh had a part in that one, but mostly it was my emotions.

So, I got some bad news today. Not really bad news, but an email that is leading to possibly some bad news and at first I was gonna be in a funk, but I just made up my mind. I'm not gonna be upset, depressed, mad at myself. I'm just gonna take the news and move on.

Thank God for clarity.

"I've been to a place, called 'hell on earth'...."

My emotions aren't gonna keep me in hell.

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