Saturday, August 11, 2012

Write the Vision....

I'm learning to LIVE according to the word of God. There are times in my life when something will come up and immediately my mind will go to the scripture.  I thank God for that because my life is defined (is being defined) by my relationship with God.

So, there have been some things that I've wanted to do.....


When I graduated from undergrad school, I sat down and wrote my life. The Holy Spirit helped me to plan my life and I became a person who live by goals.  However, I only wrote down until age 30 or so. I'm not sure why.....

As I approached 30 I wondered and wondered why I had only stopped at 30.

Well, since then I haven't made much of a plan because for a long time, I didn't know what to plan. I didn't know and I'm still a little unsure, but there are some things that I want to do...not simply because I want to do them, but because I want to give back what has been given to me. There is a scripture that says, "to whom much is given, much is required" and I've been given much, so it's required of me to give back.  So, I'm gonna do like the word of God says in Habakkuk 2:2 and "write the vision..."

So, most of these things I want to do will be done through the NP I work for:

1.  Establish a supplemental educational program that will assist all--young and old in improving their academic skills to go on to post-secondary education.

2.  Establish a college and career program that includes job training and developmental programs to help individuals to succeed.

3.  Establish a NP consulting group through MU (a SCNO project).

This one will be done through my job with the health department....
4.  Establish a coalition of churches to partner with the local health department on health initiatives....
Hold a coalition lunch meeting once per quarter

5.  Establish a partnership with the Coalition of Neighborhood Organizations to provide health information to members in the community.  Hold a lunch meeting twice a year for partners.

In writing the vision, I'm also gonna be doing some planning.

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