Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tryna Make a Dollar Out of 15 Cents

I don't like that I'm in debt. It means the money is always on my mind. So much so that I'm always trying to find a bargain.

I ordered a mifi so that I can have prepaid internet. I ordered it on Amazon for about $50. When it came in the mail today it didn't have a SIM card so I went to the Verizon store and they put a SIM card in and activated it and I purchased a $15 service plan. The only reason I purchased $15 is because I found out that you could purchase the plan online at Walmart and you don't have to pay tax and shipping if you put the address as Oregon. No taxes in Oregon. So that's what I did. I bought a $60 Walmart gift card, and went online and paid $49.88 for a prepaid card to add to the $15. When I got it home the password would not work. I called Verizon and was on the phone for an hour and it still did not work. I finally contacted the seller to let them know that it didn't work and that I needed to return the item.

This is all because I'm trying to save a buck. If I had money I would just get regular internet like everyone else. But, nnnoooooo. I can't do that because I'm in debt. I have to be concerned about my money.

I can't wait for the millions to start pouring in.....

Thank God!!!

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