Sunday, December 15, 2013

Finish This Year Strong

It is VERY important how I finish this year!!

I was discouraged on yesterday and I almost allowed my emotions to overtake me, but I was really discouraged.

Back story....

In September I was encouraged and prophesied to. I was told that I needed to stand on the word of God as it relates to grant writing for the organization. I wasn't told what scripture, but I was told to use the word of God. So, I prayed to God and asked what scripture did I need to use and one Tuesday night it dropped in my spirit--Nehemiah. So I went to the scripture and read Nehemiah.

What I found was that Nehemiah was distressed because the city of his people was destroyed. He was distressed and he prayed and fasted for his people and his city. The king saw his sorrow and asked him what was wrong. He prayed and told that kind that he wanted to go home to rebuild the city. The king asked him what he needed. He said he needed a letter to go get everything he needed in addition to what he needed for his own home. The king granted to him everything he needed to rebuild the city.

So, I thanked God for the word and I began praying for the grants that we write and I even wrote a letter to the representative hoping that this would create a dialog. However, the letter sat and sat and I never sent it. Then I heard that the representative had granted funding to another organization for programming. This caused me to become sad because I knew I needed to mail this letter. So, I got the letter together and when I went to mail it, I spilled water all over it. This was already signed by the CEO who was now in Florida. So, I needed to rewrite the letter and have her sign it again. But, she's in Florida. So I copied her signature, but there was no ink. When I finally got the letter recreated, I got stuck in the snow and the post office closed.

I was sad.

Had I missed God in my slothfulness? Why did I wait so long?

I was greatly distressed and discouraged.

But, today I got a word from the Lord through our Apostle.

"FINISH THIS YEAR STRONG" and turn your frustration into finishing. He encouraged us that it seems like the word that was prophesied to me (to us) was not gonna happen, but we are to take our frustrations and finish what we are supposed to do.

Thank God for the word and the encouragement.


It seems I've gotten my strength back. I've gotten my joy back!!!  Thank God!!!!

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