Friday, June 8, 2012

The Journey Up: The Little White Ones....

I've been working on me. Actually, I haven't been working, I've just been available and ready for God to work on me and my life is changing. I don't think the same, I don't act the same and I DON'T FEEL THE SAME!  It's like the air is different and I keep wondering what it is? And I think it's CHANGE!!

I prayed to God that my character needs to be developed....and that includes my integrity....

So, I've been noticing the "little white lies" that I've been telling.

"Hey, how was dance practice?" my boss asked.
"Oh, it was fun....," I said before I could think about it.  The problem is, there WAS NO DANCE PRACTICE.  I forgot that practices was tomorrow and NOT today, but I came dressed and ready for practice.

Why couldn't I just say it wasn't today. My brain didn't even automatically tell my mouth to tell the truth, it just told a lie. That needs to change and I NEED GOD to help me change that because even "little white ones" are still LIES. AND I DON'T WANT TO BE A LIAR!!!!

So, God, work on my mouth. I don't want to automatically lie. That compromised my integrity and I want to have an upstanding character. I believe my character is partly the reason I "fell so hard."

Thank GOD that He loves me enough to work on me!!!

Thank GOD that I will speak truth!!

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