Saturday, April 14, 2012

American Health Association and Other Blunders

I keep making mistakes and the worst part is that I do everything I can to ensure that what I'm doing is excellent.  For example, the $8000 mistake.  I am positive that I repeated the information and was told that I heard the information correctly.

There is another mistake I made and I was sure I corrected....

The funding for my job comes from the American Heart Association.  I send out an email to a community coalition that advertises events.  I included information that we are funded by the American HEALTH Association.  However, right before I sent the information I noticed my error and replaced the word HEALTH with HEART.  I was sure I corrected it.  I was confident that the information was correct.  So, how in the world did the email go out with American HEALTH Association??  How did that happen????  Apparently, my correction wasn't saved.  So hundreds of people will see the word HEALTH instead of HEART.  I didn't bother telling my boss.  I'll make sure she knows on Monday, but at that point, I didn't feel like dealing with it.

What's going on??

There is supposed to be an article in the paper about me and the programs and services today.  I'm wondering what I've said that is going to be incorrectly quoted.  I searched for the online article, but I haven't found it yet.  It's supposed to come out today.

I was just thinking and praying to God about my job, my life and that only thing I can think of is that God wants to show Himself strong.  That's what the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

That's the only thing that I can think of.  I've done all I can and I want people to know it's not me so in order for that to happen, people have to see my faults so that when things do fall into place, when things do line up and turn our well, all the glory can go to GOD and GOD alone.  I am so insufficient in myself.  As you can see even when I do all I can do make sure things are right it still turns out wrong.  So,  God has to show Himself strong and I believe He will.  What is the purpose of this if He doesn't?  Is it to embarrass me?  The Bible says to humble yourself...I try to make it a point that when pride rises up in my spirit to recognize it, confess it and get it out of my heart.  My righteouseness is as a filthy rag, so there is no need for me to be prideful.

I was telling a guy that I know in December about my future plans to go into business for myself.  In February the CEO of the NP I volunteer with told me that she can see me having my own business.  She then reminded me of this on yesterday in a meeting.  I totally agree with her and I believe that this comes from GOD because this is not what I've gone to school for, so it has to be God.  However, in order for me to go into business I have to have the knowledge and the training.  So, I feel that this is training me.  If I'm going to run a business that nets over six figures, I have to got to go through this stuff.  It will only build me up.  I HAVE TO RAISE $8000 to provide a community program to help people.  I HAVE TO WRITE a million dollar grant and have it funded because this is going to build my business.  This is what is in store for me.  This is my future and I thank God that he is positioning me.  I could not have done this myself!!  I've tried.

So God, I thank you for showing Yourself strong because I have no strength to do this.....

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