Tuesday, June 7, 2016

She Took Me There

I love being an even keeled person. I'm laid back, not easily excitable....I'm chill. BUT, every now and again my emotions get me and I HATE that. I love being poised at all times.

On yesterday I started a week long fast. Mainly because I've drifted. I know that God spoke to me, restoration, this year and I have to be active in that restoration, but because of some different things going on, I've strayed a little.

On Saturday, on my way to Indiana I was listening to Joyce Meyer and she was ministering on the talents in Luke 19. And I got it, I caught was God was saying. Then on Sunday the Elder spoke about the same thing. I hear you God, LOUD AND CLEAR. So that means I need to change, I need to move and get back in line. So I committed to fast and pray this week. It wasn't that difficult, but I got a call from my mom....


My family is planning a big July 4th shindig and I was gonna just give my mom $50 to buy whatever we needed along with what she was going to bring. However, I got a call on yesterday and my uncle asked me to bring chicken legs and 2 cases of soda. I agreed to it and texted my brother (because my uncle said that he and my brother was calling everyone so to tell my brother, if he called, that my uncle already spoke to me about what to bring.) My mom then calls me and tells me that chicken legs are a horrible thing to grill and that since I don't know how to cook, I need to stick with something that is easy to do.


I haven't lived with my mom in over 20 years. How in the world does she know what I can cook?! I cook all the time--not everyday, but weekly. So I was jokingly going off on her. I mean...she forgot that I her oldest child and my job was the cook and keep the house clean and make sure her children took baths. I've had to spend all day in the kitchen with her cooking Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner when I wanted to just be a teenager and be a kid. So I was bothered that she would say something like that. I didn't mean any disrespect, but DANG!! You don't even know me like that and I'M YOUR DAUGHTER!! YOU SHOULD, but you don't. So, it got under my skin.

Then I was bothered because I was trying to tell her why I sent the text to my brother. She was acting like I just sent it out of the blue. No, I was told what to bring and to keep confusion down I wanted to communicate and tell them what I was bringing. But, no I was jumped all over and criticized, so I went there....

Then, I got a text from Mister...when it rains it pours. I had to roll my eyes. At that point, I realized my error. I let the devil bait me. I had a good day of fasting and prayer and it ended with me disrespecting my mom....

Ima do better next time!!

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