Tuesday, October 17, 2017


There's a lot going on in the world as it relates to racism. It's absolutely depressing. I mean sometimes I'm in tears thinking about and hearing what's going on. It messes with your psyche...being a black person, to know that something as simple as skin color will cause so much hate. 

I went to see the movie Detroit and as I was sitting there (there were only 7 people in the theatre) I kept asking myself what I was doing there. "Why am I watching is movie?" I mean I can watch the news and see this exact same thing. I stayed until the end and I was horrified. I mean absolutely HORRIFIED.  But, God is good and I know some people are so angry that they dismiss God in some situations. Yes, slavery happened, yes lynching and separate, but equal happened, but we can never leave God out. We CAN'T. In the Bible God told Abraham that his decedents would be held captive in slavery for 400 years, but in the end he was gonna bring them out with a MIGHTY deliverance.  

As I sat and watch the ending of the movie I just cried because the young musician could not go back to his old life. But he turned to the grace and love of God. He had nobody to get him through that hell but God and sometimes I think about my life and the abuse that I've been in and I often ask God why and I dismiss God and I turn my back on him because of the struggle that I go through, but no matter what God had NEVER left me and I Thank God for it!!

Thank You Jesus for your love and grace!!

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