Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pulling Weeds is Hard and So is Changing a Life

I am an avid volunteer. I like being involved in stuff--new stuff. So, last year I volunteered to help in the neighborhood by weeding two of the 10 medians down the block. I don't know much about gardening, so I met with one of the other volunteers and she showed me the ropes. So, this summer I was tasked with using my free time to help keep them looking great. The problem is, there has been so much rain, and then there was a car accident, and my time had been limited....

But, there the weeds still needed to be pulled.

So, a few weeks ago, I went out and there were massive weeds. I couldn't pull them because they were too tall and they were the cactusy type of weeds that will stick you. So, I just started cutting with my massive shears. I cut and cut and filled up about 4 bags of tall weeds before my back couldn't take it anymore. Then my time was limited again I decided that I needed to get out there because we have a community wide celebration coming up and I want everything to be perfect. This time I got down on my hands and knees and started pulling.


Some of those weeds had roots that were so thick. I had to use my shears to did around the roots in order to get them up. It took me about 1.5 hours, to finish about a third of one of the mediums. I'll get back out there, but I've been learning a lesson that can be applied to my life...

God tells us that we must walk in the spirit and in order to do that, the fruit of the spirit has to be operative in out lives.

But, fruit grows and must be cultivated. Fruit doesn't just happen. A seed has to be planted, it has to die in the ground and the rain must water it and the sun must shine upon it. As the seed is sprouting, the weeds have to be taken care of. The weeds can choke out the seedling if they aren't pulled up and when they are pulled, you can't just chop them off at the top, you have to take the root out.

But, when the roots are deep, you can't just use regular tools and it takes more time and effort.

It took me some time to pull those weeds. And my fingers hurt while doing it....

I am in a spiritual.....something.

I've got too many weeds growing in my life. And they must be pulled up. But, it's gonna take some time to get my life cleaned up. And it's gonna take so much effort. And it's gonna hurt...

God, help me through this, please!!!

I want to grow and be fruitful because I LOVE fruit. Fruit is great nourishment!!!

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