Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Strong Man Competition

My boss competed in the strong man competition today and I took my date with me to watch. It was a great afternoon....cold, but fun.

This guy must REALLY like me because I was like an hour and a half late for our date. In my defense, it wasn't my fault. I thought I was supposed to be done at work at noon and that I would be able to meet him at 1. NOPE.

We didn't get done at work until 1 and then I had to take 5 young people home and the last young person wanted me to take her to get her cell phone which I though would only take about 15 minutes. Nope, it took like a half and hour. Then I had to go back home to change (I had my clothes all laid out) and freshen up. I didn't get to the event until around 2:30 and he was still there inside his car in the parking lot waiting on me. WOW!!

Yes, I did text him to let him know that I was running late, but I still can't believe he stayed. After the competition, we went to McGorry's to eat. During lunch we talked about the basics, then he asked the million dollar question, "What happened?" 

I feigned ignorance and said, "What do you mean?"

I knew exactly what he meant, but I couldn't believe he was asking me like he didn't know.

Well, of course he didn't know, that's why he was asking me. I didn't want to remind him because part of was the death of his son and I know that is a touchy subject, so I just danced around it and he apologized.

We had a nice lunch and during, I asked him about his marriage. As I asked him, he was drinking water and almost choked. I guess he didn't know that I knew he was married. LOL.

He said that he got married for the wrong reasons and 9 months later he was divorced. WOW!!

His sister told me (about a year ago) that he got married because he was turing 40 and he wanted to be married. I know people get married for various reasons....but WOW. We ended the date with a nice hug. He asked me to keep in touch. I haven't called him and he hasn't called me either. I enjoyed the date, but not him. I wish I can have a date with a man that I enjoy being with.

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 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...