Monday, May 7, 2018

My Mind Thinks The Worst

We are inherently negative people. I don't know where this comes from (actually Satan is the father of lies, so that is where this comes from), but our mind just thinks the worst.


I was listening to a story of a woman who would swallow things because in her mind, she was hearing something tell her that if she didn't swallow a specific thing her mom would die or something bad would happen to someone she loved. So she started swallowing things--nails, forks, other objects. She had so many surgeries that she had to have a surgery to remove the scar tissue from all the other surgeries she had.

Our minds are powerful and what we believe is powerful.  The problem is, we have to BELIEVE the RIGHT things!!!

This woman believed that if she didn't swallow these objects something bad would happen. This was not true. What we believe is who we are and what controls our life.

I started reading a book, "Own Your Glow," and on the first page was a buddist quote, "All the things we are is the result of what we have thought."  But, God said it first, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7.

As a matter of fact, Earl Nightingale said it best when he issued a challenge about thinking positive.

I started reading the glow book and then looked at my email. I got an innocuous email, but my mind went to a bad place. The email basically said that we are adding a person to our team. So my mind made me nervous and I started thinking that I was being replaced. WHY? Why would I think that? I mean adding a person to the team does not mean that I am being replaced.  WHY would I think that?Why am I thinking negative. One....because of experience. In the past I HAVE been replaced, so to protect myself I thought of it first so that I could be prepared for it when it comes. BUT, that may not be what's happening. So why think negatively? Why not think that adding to the team means growth?

OMG....God I need help!!!

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