Saturday, October 8, 2016

Upgrade You

"Don't ever marry down," is what my spiritual father said as he was teaching us one Tuesday night. That has stuck with me! I have never heard anyone say that. I mean, I know that I don't want no scrub, but the way he put it really hit my spirit. And I've been evaluating things as I'm dating and meeting new guys.

I met this one guy, Ro, who says he's a Pastor. I will say that I did question that, not in a judgmental way, but in a way that God says we have to know them that labor among us. As the weeks were going by with us getting to know each other, I just saw some things in him that I didn't like about myself. I know that sounds strange, but have you ever met someone who is a mirror image of you? His behavior was showing me, me and it wasn't that I doubted his call, I just didn't like what I saw--the spirit he carried. It wasn't that he didn't have the spirit of God, but sometimes we can be prideful and we can be insecure and that's what I saw in him which showed me, me.

Last year God dealt with me about pride and I thought that I had humbled myself, but when I saw the way he was behaving and how the way he was behaving was the way I was, it really showed me the spirit of pride. And I thank God for showing me that!! Then the insecurity was that he named himself as a Pastor, but when he was advertised he was advertised as Overseer. I don't know all the church terminology, and again I'm not being judgmental, just venting somethings....but when a person is a Pastor, they have a church, I think. But, I asked him about his church. He said he didn't have a church. Then I asked him what church he belonged to and he said he didn't belong to a church, but that he was a Pastor over an interdenominational fellowship. Ok. It took me a while to understand. But as I was questioning him it started reminding me of myself when I was unsure of my place at my job. I work at a job that is confidential and I was highly unsure of myself, so I would say things to try to justify myself, but really I was insecure. So, that is what he reminded me of.

He may quite well be secure in himself, but when I looked at him and how he even behaved around my family, I felt embarrassed because of his behavior.

Taking him around my family was a mistake, but God needed me to see me and my pride.

Anyway, this post is not about him, but about how as God is still working on my, I am looking for someone who can upgrade me. I don't know someone who is just like me. I don't need someone who is behind me, I need a confident man of God who is in front of me and can speak somethings to me.

Pastor Myles Monroe talks about how the man is supposed to cultivate the woman.

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