Monday, November 2, 2015

Faux Mister

I signed up for a dating website and I'm not happy with it, but I've already paid until December, so I'm going to use it. Within about a week of signing up, I met a guy from NC. I'll call him Faux Mister and I'll explain why....

When we first talked, it was really cool. There seemed to be a connection. He was talkative and we laughed a lot and then we started hanging out on google and that was fun. He'd sprinkle little flirts in our conversation...One our first google hangout, he said, as we were talking about something, "Is this our first date?" and quickly went on to the next subject. It was cute, but I never fed into it because....HE LIVES IN NC. I was cool with us being friends, but moving is not in my dating profile.

Some things I found out about him that I liked...he had a MBA from SIUC. He grew up in IL. He had military background and had a good sense of humor. As the weeks went on, he began divulging stuff about his past--his mom beat him and his siblings. He has a hard time trusting women.

None of this really bothered me because EVERYONE has a past and my mom was not the best disciplinarian. But then one day he was talking about his past and curse words started coming out. I didn't condemn him, but it was kinda unexpected because for weeks I had not heard him talk like this. Then somehow I asked him where he lived and he divulged that he lived in a a halfway house. He didn't call it that. I called it that. He called it a home for ex-substance abusers. He even gave me the website to look it up. He said that he didn't drink, but he never really told me EXACTLY how he got there. Something about leaving his baby mama and needing a place to stay....not sure what that has to do with a home for ex-substance abusers. But, RED FLAG....

Then one day he was talking and talking about his past abuse and how all of this was linked to slavery and being beaten by the slave owners and he was going on and on and cursing up a store.


I wasn't really listening, but this was sounding too much like previous relationships. I mean when Coach and I dated, that's what he focused on when we first met--how his mom beat him and he ended up being adopted.

As time goes on and we talk, he's reminding me more and more of Mister and Coach. Of course he's not quite like them, but I recognize him as the TYPE of man that I've fallen for in the past.

AND frankly, I'm SICK of it.

I WANT a man who is WHOLE. I know I have my issues, but OLD stuff is OLD and I'm not letting that burden me anymore and I'm too old to be trying to SAVE a guy from his jacked up life.

No, I'm not ALL THAT and I still have issues, but I see the pattern and I'm NOT going down that rabbit hole again.

So, I will be friends, but that's ALL. I will minister to him the word of God, but as far as I see he has nothing to offer me!!

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