Friday, May 24, 2013

Being Selected is Good Enough


I remember the first time I watched Mary Katherine Gallagher. It was TOO FUNNY!!! I cracked up over and over again. I love that movie.

I've felt like Mary Katherine a time or two. Not because I wanna be a superstar, but because I want to make a difference. As a matter of fact my goal in life has always been to be helpful and purposeful. I wanted to do something great. I wanted to BE great. And everything that I do is because I of that. Of course in being GREAT, I have to be humble. The Bible says that only God can make your name great. So, it's not anything that I do myself to make myself great, it's because of God.

But, this nomination for 20 Under 40 didn't feel right. At first I was really apprehensive about it, but then I started feeling puffed up and I didn't like that feeling. I want to stay humble. The Bible says to humble yourself and if a person can't humble themselves, then situations and circumstances will come and they will be humiliated to the point that it will humble them. I don't ever want to get to that point. Humiliation is NOT fun!!!

So, I declined the nomination. I just didn't like the puffed up feeling. I didn't like what I was starting to think about myself. I didn't know how I would feel when others saw the nomination. It just didn't feel right to me. So, I let it go and respectfully declined. Of course I feel a little sad about it because Mister wanted me to accept...his angle was that I should accept not just for myself but for all the people who are proud of me and for all of the people who I've helped and feel that I deserve the accolade. I get that.....

One of the questions asked is who has influenced me....and I was going to write about my mother and how all my life I heard about how smart and pretty she was and how I always wanted to be like her--smart and pretty :-).

So, I was going to accept just so that she could see me talk about that, but it's okay.

I will always cherish the fact that I was chosen. That's good enough for me!!!!!

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