Sunday, May 10, 2015

I Am Not A Gambler

I watched the movie, the Gambler, starring Mark Walburg. At first I didn't get it and I was making my mind up that it was a stupid movie. I mean the first part of the movie he blows all this money and then gets into more debt with people who will kill him. Then I started reading some of the background and I read the spoilers about the movie and realized that he wasn't stupid, he was just going through some things. Some major things that caused him to temporarily lose him mind....

I've been there before.

You get to an emotional place and you need something to wake you up from the numb monotonous being that you've spiraled in to. You are in so much pain that you feel nothing and as painful as life is at that moment, you feel nothing.

I cut my foot one time while I was mowing the lawn. My whole foot went under the mower and the blade was stopped by my toe. I didn't feel a thing. So I started the mower again and proceeded to finish. But then I looked down and began to scream. My shoe had been cut open. I hopped to the stairs and took my shoe off and began to scream even more when I saw my sock had been cut. I didn't see much blood because my socks we were black. But the sight of my shoe and sock freaked me out.

I ended up in the hospital over night because the doctor needed to know if my bone had been cut cuz if it was I was gonna need surgery.

the amazing thing about the whole situation is that at the beginning I was in so much shock that I didn't feel anything. I thought my foot had been cut off and that's why I didn't feel anything....but I had to look down at my foot, after I took off my shoe in order to feel the pain.

The body has a way of shielding you...

In the movie, he kept saying he wasn't a gambler. But yet and still he took his moms $260,000 and pissed it all away at the casino.

But he wasn't a gambler.....

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