Friday, April 26, 2013

They Won't Show Up

What does it say when you have to BEG a person to get help?


I teach a diabetes self-management class. The class is free to anyone who is diabetic, pre-diabetic or caregiver of a diabetic. The class teaches self-management concepts so that people can live healthier. I set up a table a the local soup kitchen because my goal is to reach as many people who don't have insurance as possible and if you are eating at a soup kitchen, then most likely you don't have a job with insurance. (That was my thinking). And that means that you need all the help you can get.

So, I signed up about 7 people. My goal was 5, I was hoping for 10, but 7 was great. I asked each of the people over and over, are you sure you are going to show up? I even had a cool light up pen for them to sign up. I said, "I don't want you to take my pen and not show up." They told me they would. They reasurred me that they would.

Afterwards, the ED let me eat lunch and it was pretty good--beef stew and salad (I don't like pre-dressed salad, it makes it soggy) and red velvet cake for dessert. We were talking and she said, "You know they won't show up, right?" I was a teensy bit offended. Yes, I know that most times when you are trying to work with the MOST underpriviledged, it's hard for them to show up, but I believed that out of the 7 at least 3 would show up. So, I was a little "put off" when she said that. Maybe she is right, but it didn't feel good to hear her say it. I hope they show up, they will truly benefit from it.....

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