When I met Gov guy, I didn't think anything special. However, when we planned our first date and it didn't happen, I started wondering...hmmmm. "Maybe this is what God wants." But, we continued to talk and plan to meet.
Now I KNOW that this isn't God. Anytime being with someone thrust you back into the past, it's not good. And that's what happened with Gov guy. We spent Christmas together and I stayed that night. In the moment it was great, and he's been on my mind ever since. I haven't been able to shake the experience, but now I know why. In my mind I'm a little girl again and that thought brought me to tears this morning.
Will the memories EVER stop?
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.....Galatians 5:1
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
I've been through a lot. But this year I declared a new beginning over my life and declarations and decrees made in faith is legislation in the kingdom of God. Yes, it was a rocky road but I'm finishing strong and I thank God for joy as I close this year!! God amazes me. I fail and I do
I don't know what 2017 holds for me, but I'm going to move this life forward...
I've got a few book ideas....
Woman meets a man, they sleep together and she get's pregnant. This is a man of wealth, but he dies before he knows that he has conceived and the woman has to fight for her child's inheritance from this man's family. She is dragged through the court system and 5 long years later she finally is awarded what she needs to be able to take care of this man's child.
A woman is struggling to make ends meet after being laid off from her job. She stumbles across a family history and realizes that she has a legacy of business in her family, so she uses the wisdom of her ancestors to gain success.
wrong but His love NEVER fails me. His love is so powerful that it keeps me going. His love fuels me and I want to give that back to Him. I want to use this fuel to serve Him with my life!!
I don't know what 2017 holds for me, but I'm going to move this life forward...
I've got a few book ideas....
Woman meets a man, they sleep together and she get's pregnant. This is a man of wealth, but he dies before he knows that he has conceived and the woman has to fight for her child's inheritance from this man's family. She is dragged through the court system and 5 long years later she finally is awarded what she needs to be able to take care of this man's child.
A woman is struggling to make ends meet after being laid off from her job. She stumbles across a family history and realizes that she has a legacy of business in her family, so she uses the wisdom of her ancestors to gain success.
Back To The Drawing Board...Don't Count Me Out
I met Gov guy about a month ago on POF. At first I wasn't so impressed, but after talking to him for some weeks now I'm feeling him. The problem is, I don't think he's the one.When I checked him out further, he seems really good on paper--good job, great father, attractive and at least he goes to church. He makes a LOT of money...but I'm not that attracted to him. Yes, he's attractive, but not to me. We spent Christmas together and it wasn't a good idea. I put myself in a position to be tempted and temptation got the best of me. And now THAT is on my mind all the time. Now I gotta fight these thoughts. God, forgive me. Help me...
I want to be married, but I can't be with a man. As a matter of fact when we were TOGETHER I just kept thinking about old stuff and old men and old experiences. That is NOT good. I need God to ERASE all this OLD stuff so that I can be new again!!!!
I want to be married, but I can't be with a man. As a matter of fact when we were TOGETHER I just kept thinking about old stuff and old men and old experiences. That is NOT good. I need God to ERASE all this OLD stuff so that I can be new again!!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Best ------- Ever
God really knows what He's doing. I mean he made a man who knows exactly how to make me scream. God, please forgive me for my sins. I won't do it again but dang did he do me good. Normally I love a big one, not too big...and mostly that satisfies but his was small-could fit in my mouth perfectly. But smallness didn't bother me one bit because the head was amazing. Like 3 BIG O's amazing.
God forgive me for my sins. I won't do it again. But dag Gov guy has a mouth and tongue that makes me scream.
God forgive me for my sins. I won't do it again. But dag Gov guy has a mouth and tongue that makes me scream.
Friday, December 16, 2016
I Was Arrested
I met this guy....I'll call him GG because he works for the government. I met him on POF. We chatted then started texting. We finally made plans to meet today. He lives about 2 hours away near the air forms base so we made plans to meet half way in Efingham to go to Indy. He's been having a cultural shock coming to Illinois. He's originally from Baltimore and he's worked at the Pentagona and the White House after his military duties were completed. Now he works on the Base here in Illinois. I was gonna show him a good time. He texted me at 8am and we were sposed to meet at 8:30. I made it to the Wal-Mart and sat....and sat....and sat....He didn't show up. I texted and called and called and called.
I started praying and praying and praying. My mind was thinking the worst. I had an appointment in Indy for 1, but I needed to change it to 4 because I was so late leaving. On the way he called me around 2pm.
"Where are you?" He asked. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I asked trying not to scream. "You won't believe this...I was arrested."
Basically, right after he texted me he got pulled over by the police. He was speeding. They ran his plates. And nothing happened. Then...another police showed up. Then another.
He said he got scared.....
A black man getting stopped by a police officer can turn fatal quickly.
Finally, all three got out of their vehicles and stood behind his car. He said he had his hands in clear sight and he didn't want to make any sudden moves. He saw me calling him, but didn't want to answer his phone because he didn' t want them to think he had a gun.
Then, one office went to the driver's side, one went to the passengers side, and one stayed in the back. He said he was SO SCARED. The officer told him that he was driving a stolen vehicle. He gave them his license that showed him that he was registered tot he vehicle. They were confused and so was he. They asked him to get out the car. He complied. They put him in the back seat of the squad car while they searched his vehicle. He even had his briefcase with him that had the title of the car. They ran everything, but didn't know why the car was nationally registered as stolen. They told him that they were going to have to arrest him.
He got to the police station and he said they treated him nicely, but he was so confused. They impounded his car and would not give him his phone. He finally got to make a phone call and the only number he knew was his job. So he called someone at work to come get him. He was able to get his car out of impound and they told him he needed to go to court.
He finally called me around 2pm and he told me the story which was SO CONFUSING. I didn't understand at all.
When we got off the phone he called MDPD to get answers.
He called me back about an hour later,.,,This is what happened....
In August he reported a license plate on his pickup truck as stolen because someone had stolen the front plate. Somehow the paperwork got entered in the computer as a stolen vehicle and since he has two vehicles registered to him, they got confused and listed both vehicles as stolen. So they were on a national registry as being stolen. And because it was in the system they had to arrest him. They didn't know what was going on and he didn't know what to tell them.
So, now here I was in Indy by myself just baffled. This was the second date with a guy that was cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances.....
Am I not supposed to be dating in this season???
It's Christmas and I don't want to be alone. God HELP!!
I started praying and praying and praying. My mind was thinking the worst. I had an appointment in Indy for 1, but I needed to change it to 4 because I was so late leaving. On the way he called me around 2pm.
"Where are you?" He asked. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I asked trying not to scream. "You won't believe this...I was arrested."
Basically, right after he texted me he got pulled over by the police. He was speeding. They ran his plates. And nothing happened. Then...another police showed up. Then another.
He said he got scared.....
A black man getting stopped by a police officer can turn fatal quickly.
Finally, all three got out of their vehicles and stood behind his car. He said he had his hands in clear sight and he didn't want to make any sudden moves. He saw me calling him, but didn't want to answer his phone because he didn' t want them to think he had a gun.
Then, one office went to the driver's side, one went to the passengers side, and one stayed in the back. He said he was SO SCARED. The officer told him that he was driving a stolen vehicle. He gave them his license that showed him that he was registered tot he vehicle. They were confused and so was he. They asked him to get out the car. He complied. They put him in the back seat of the squad car while they searched his vehicle. He even had his briefcase with him that had the title of the car. They ran everything, but didn't know why the car was nationally registered as stolen. They told him that they were going to have to arrest him.
He got to the police station and he said they treated him nicely, but he was so confused. They impounded his car and would not give him his phone. He finally got to make a phone call and the only number he knew was his job. So he called someone at work to come get him. He was able to get his car out of impound and they told him he needed to go to court.
He finally called me around 2pm and he told me the story which was SO CONFUSING. I didn't understand at all.
When we got off the phone he called MDPD to get answers.
He called me back about an hour later,.,,This is what happened....
In August he reported a license plate on his pickup truck as stolen because someone had stolen the front plate. Somehow the paperwork got entered in the computer as a stolen vehicle and since he has two vehicles registered to him, they got confused and listed both vehicles as stolen. So they were on a national registry as being stolen. And because it was in the system they had to arrest him. They didn't know what was going on and he didn't know what to tell them.
So, now here I was in Indy by myself just baffled. This was the second date with a guy that was cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances.....
Am I not supposed to be dating in this season???
It's Christmas and I don't want to be alone. God HELP!!
Yet So Far Away
I made an offer on a house....1264 square feet, .46 acres of land, 2 bedroom, 1.5 car garage, huge family room with beautiful fire place.....$41,500. The house was built in 1950 and the carpet and the bathroom and kitchen shows it, but I really like the house. It is in a beautiful neighborhood on a quiet street. We did an inspection and I knew the house needed a roof, but I got some bad news from my realtor. He said that since the roof is in such bad shape, the appraiser will probably not approve the house for my loan....
Yes, I don't know how it works, but I am willing to pay to get the roof repaired, but if the appraiser doesn't approve it, the bank won't approve the loan. I don't get the house. So the option I have is to request that the seller fix the roof.
I was so excited about my house and I have saved about $5000 and all I need for the closing on January 13 is about $5500 which I will have.
God, help!!
I NEED them to fix this roof so that I can move. I don't know what to do!!!
Yes, I don't know how it works, but I am willing to pay to get the roof repaired, but if the appraiser doesn't approve it, the bank won't approve the loan. I don't get the house. So the option I have is to request that the seller fix the roof.
I was so excited about my house and I have saved about $5000 and all I need for the closing on January 13 is about $5500 which I will have.
God, help!!
I NEED them to fix this roof so that I can move. I don't know what to do!!!
Monday, December 12, 2016
I Can't Say How I Really Feel
I get this news today on FB from my sister...
Oh wow. So I'm emotional. I'm happy for her....a little concerned, but happy still. But, I'm also a little sad because I always see people passing me by and it's a little frustrating and I feel like I can't really talk about it because it's stupid to be sad because someone has something that you want. It's not jealousy that I feel, just sad....
And I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to feel sad. All babies come from God no matter how they got here. So I need to be happy for her. I'm going to travel to Ohio to see her soon and I want to take a gift. She said the baby is due July 8. I hope she has a baby shower!!
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Expiration Date
There is a purpose for an expiration date. When milk goes bad, it goes bad and there is nothing you can do about it except throw it out. This is the same for the seasons we go through in life. The Bible talks about 2 seasons-seed time and harvest. The Bible then tells us that after Jesus was tempted, Satan left him for a season. There was an expiration date for the temptation and Satan had to leave.
2016 was a year of restoration for me...He restores my soul and I thank God for the restoration. And my season of bondage is OVER!!
I'm looking forward to next year and all that God has for me!!
2016 was a year of restoration for me...He restores my soul and I thank God for the restoration. And my season of bondage is OVER!!
I'm looking forward to next year and all that God has for me!!
Friday, December 2, 2016
They Say When You Dream About Fish
I had this dream that I gave a friend of mine a fish tank with some fish in it. We are talking about the fish and there were two tanks with different types of fish in it. The tanks were small and one had several different fish in it. The other only had a few. But, the funny thing is that the fish kept jumping out of the tank. We had to pick them up off the floor to put them back in. Then one tank had a lot of lady bugs and snails around it trying to get it. It was an interesting dream.
They say that when you have dreams about fish, somebody in the family is pregnant.
Well, it's not me for sure....hmmmm.
They say that when you have dreams about fish, somebody in the family is pregnant.
Well, it's not me for sure....hmmmm.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
I'm Not Buying That House
I looked at a house on yesterday. Actually I looked at 4 houses in about an hour. Not what I like to do, but that was our time frame...anyway. I liked the house. I liked that location. I had my realtor run the numbers for me. He gave me call to warn me about one of the houses that I was interested in...
"It's going fast, " he said. "It's priced way under market and there is an open house on Sunday, so you if you want it, you need to make an offer now."
I hadn't looked at the info he sent me and I wasn't going to be bullied into just buying a house. so looked at the numbers he sent me. I would need almost $5000 to close.
That's the problem.
I have $3500.
So, even thought I like the house, I don't have the money. However, I was still contemplating and praying, but as I was sleep I had a dream that I was at the house putting up some type of structure in the front yard. It was night time. I heard a large mob coming down the street and they were after me, so before I was able to put the structure up, I took off my hat (IDK why) and ran the other way. The only thing I could think of to get away from the mob and hide was to stuff myself into my neighbor's bushes as they ran towards me. Before they got to me, and before they torched my house I woke up with fear in my heart.
I don't know what all that means, but I'm staying away from that house. I was gonna go to the open house on Sunday to see the response of the people, but I pass.
I'm still stuck on my Camelot house. That is the one that I want and I want it for $45,000, not $48,500 that I offered and definitely not $53,000 that she is wanting.
God, help me, please!!
"It's going fast, " he said. "It's priced way under market and there is an open house on Sunday, so you if you want it, you need to make an offer now."
I hadn't looked at the info he sent me and I wasn't going to be bullied into just buying a house. so looked at the numbers he sent me. I would need almost $5000 to close.
That's the problem.
I have $3500.
So, even thought I like the house, I don't have the money. However, I was still contemplating and praying, but as I was sleep I had a dream that I was at the house putting up some type of structure in the front yard. It was night time. I heard a large mob coming down the street and they were after me, so before I was able to put the structure up, I took off my hat (IDK why) and ran the other way. The only thing I could think of to get away from the mob and hide was to stuff myself into my neighbor's bushes as they ran towards me. Before they got to me, and before they torched my house I woke up with fear in my heart.
I don't know what all that means, but I'm staying away from that house. I was gonna go to the open house on Sunday to see the response of the people, but I pass.
I'm still stuck on my Camelot house. That is the one that I want and I want it for $45,000, not $48,500 that I offered and definitely not $53,000 that she is wanting.
God, help me, please!!
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How Does That Affect Your Values?
I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...
Secrets.....secrets....secrets....secrets.... I'm very good at keeping secrets. The problem is that some secrets are NOT supposed to b...
I had this dream. I was at a store getting groceries or something and I got to the checkout counter and I didn't have enought money for ...
This is the second time that my boss has come to my apartment and it's been a complete and utter MESS!! What can I say? I just don...