My mother has 7 children and we all haven't been together in one place since my grand mother's Woburn, IL. I was really tired because I've been getting up at 6am to take my friend's daughter to work (she lives right across the street from me) And when I'm up most days I go work out. However, I haven't been working out lately. Anyway...I got on the road to pick my niece up in Dayton. I stopped to have dinner with Mister (I know) in Indy and then stayed the night in Dayton. We got up early on Saturday morning and headed to Chicago where we feasted on Harold's chicken and went kayaking. Kayaking was hard, but fun. We got home around midnight and I got up early to head to church Sunday.
funeral in 2002. We all touched down at my Uncle's log cabin house in
After church we headed to my uncle's where we stayed up really late. I camped in a tent for the first time and I didn't sleep a wink. I got up at 6am and was exhausted. After shooting fireworks, we all tried to sleep and I was up and at em again at 6am on Tuesday.

I got up Tuesday morning and went home at 6am to get the rental car back. My niece didn't want to get up that early so she decided to stay with my mom until Friday.
So I was going to drive her back to Dayton on Friday, but I needed to pick her up in Fairview Heights--120 miles away. Then I drove her to Dayton--320 miles and from Dayton, Oh, I drove home--300 miles. I was in the car for 13 hours on Friday. OMG!! I told my mom I needed a plane and I mean that. I'm so sick of driving in the car. Me and God gonna have to work this out!!
On my way home I got a call from my sister, She wanted to know if I had heard from my brother in San Diego. I had talked to him on the previous day...then she said that he was missing. WHAT? How does a grown 30 year old man end up missing? She tells me that his wife called her because she got a call from him around 4:30 and he was talking jibberish and then the call dropped. She called and called him back, but it went straight to vmail. And now she's home from work and he's no where to be found.
I immediately panicked because with everything that's going on in the world today, you have no idea what may happen to you. I started praying and tried not to think the worst. When I got home around midnight I called my sister in law. She said that she finally got a call from the police saying that he had been arrested. OMG!! What for? She didn't know and they didn't have any information. She I just continued to pray. I got a text around 3am saying that she found him in the hospital and that he was heavily sedated. OMG, WHAT IS GOING ON?
I was exhausted from being up trying not to worry. Finally I was able to talk to him around noon and he said he was in a car accident and he went a little crazy. The police showed up and he thought the police was attacking him and he began to take his clothes off to show the police that he was unarmed. The police just sees this belligerent man-they don't know if he's high, hurt, or what? They just were called because of the accident and he sees the police and fears for his life. What all happened in between is a mystery.
But, I was relieved to talk to him!!
This has been a long exhaustive week!!
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