I had a dream this morning...
Q and I were driving together. I think we were going to a workshop for RS and as we were driving to the location where the workshop was held, we came to this wooded area--kind of like a forrest that we drove through. As we got through the forrest, we came to an area that was REALLY WEIRD. There were dead animals every where. And they weren't just dead like roadkill on the side of the road--these animals were on display and they were only bones, like you see dinosaur bones in a museum. Someone had taken all these animals and made some type of attraction for people to come see all these dead animals. There were big animals and small animals and even the skins of snakes were displayed and arranged so that as you drive through you can look at them. We were both like, "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS?" It was strange. I had NEVER seen anything like this. We got past all the animals to the place where the workshop was held and I kept wondering why can't we have the workshop in a zoo with live animals or at least in a place where the animals were stuffed--the bones were just strange.
When we got to the room, the people who were conducting the workshop were just excited. I was too weirded out to be excited. I was puzzled and concerned. We got out name tags and the only thing on our name tags were out initials--not our names. And the people conducting the workshop were trying to hype everything up, like it was okay that we just drive through all those dead animal bones.
I sat down in the back of the room and this guy was sitting back there and I think we started talking, but that was it, I woke up.......
I tried to go back to sleep to see what the guy was talking about cause he smiled and was cute, but it was over. I was too disturbed by the dream.....
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