That's what my friend said. It's only been a week. LOL
My econ class started on Monday. I went to the unemployment office and printed off all of the reading materials. There are four modules to the class and my first modules assignments are due February 6. I'm getting ready to study now.
God, help me.
Work has been going ok. I realize that I haven 't been making enough money so I've upped my hours. I need to work between 50 and 60 hours a week to get my full contract amount. So, that's what I'm doing. But, I need to SLOW down. I NEED to slow down. When I'm working my brain is on autopilot. There are a lot of little details that I need to pay attention to and boy do I miss
We are finishing the last few days of the fast and we are down to fruit and nuts. I've been doing okay. I cheated a little only because I was out for work and I needed to order something instead of eating my fruit at the table. So I ordered a bowl of chili. I might fast an extra day to take up for that one.
Mister will be in town on next Wednesday. I'm too busy to want to see him.
Oh yeah and my econ teacher looks hot on his photo. But photos can be tricky. You can make them look a certain way. LOL.
Study time!!
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