Friday, January 17, 2014

Back to School

It's been a long semester. LOL

That's what my friend said. It's only been a week. LOL

My econ class started on Monday. I went to the unemployment office and printed off all of the reading materials. There are four modules to the class and my first modules assignments are due February 6. I'm getting ready to study now.

God, help me.

Work has been going ok. I realize that I haven 't been making enough money so I've upped my hours. I need to work between 50 and 60 hours a week to get my full contract amount. So, that's what I'm doing. But, I need to SLOW down. I NEED to slow down. When I'm working my brain is on autopilot. There are a lot of little details that I need to pay attention to and boy do I miss a few  a lot.

We are finishing the last few days of the fast and we are down to fruit and nuts. I've been doing okay. I cheated a little only because I was out for work and I needed to order something instead of eating my fruit at the table. So I ordered a bowl of chili. I might fast an extra day to take up for that one.

Mister will be in town on next Wednesday. I'm too busy to want to see him.

Oh yeah and my econ teacher looks hot on his photo. But photos can be tricky. You can make them look a certain way. LOL.

Study time!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Body Aches

It's actually not my body...It's my intestines and my uterus and I have a dull ache on my left side that hurts when I pee. This ache started about a week ago and I have no idea what it is. I hope I don't have kidney stones or a kidney infection. I just had a round of blood test and urine analysis done for my life insurance policy and all my test came back normal except my LDL cholesterol was a little high. That will go down when I lose some weight. But my uterus hurts also and I've been gasey (probably from the beans I've been eating). I think aunt flo is coming that's why my uterus hurts, but I can't pinpoint what's causing the ache in my side.


I don't wanna be sick.

I haven't been drinking very much water because while we are fasting it goes right through me and I've been on the road for work and I don't like having to stop all the time to pee.

I'll start back with my 84 oz. of water to keep my system flushed out.....

Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm Gray


I'm gray....down there.

I haven't taken care of "down there" in a while. It's not a forest, just a little grass, but I had a pimple and it was bothering me so I decided to take care of it. Once it was taken care of I decided to take a look. I mean, women need to look every now and then to make sure everything is in order and I looked and found a gray hair....A LONG GRAY HAIR. How in the world did it get that long? I think it's longer than some of the other hairs down there.


I'm getting older and I'm not ready!!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dang Tuition

My tuition bill was supposed to be charged to my account on December 30. December 30 came and went...not charge. I though maybe since the holiday season there was a delay but I looked online just now and my payment plan has been terminated. GGGGRRRRRR.

Now what am I supposed to do?

I don't have $2000 just lying around. I just spend $125 on text books (one was rented for $50 from Amazon). I've got to come up with the money. I hope they don't kick me out because the bill is not paid. I have to pay the community college (sign up for a payment plan) by January 8 and that bill will be about $120 a month.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

No Other Gods....

I was listening to the radio while working today and the woman was talking about a book she wrote about praise. There were a question, "What are some things the people worship?" She went on to list, "jobs, money, children, spouses, desire to get married, worry, etc...."  There was quite a list. One thing that stuck out was "the desire to get married."  It stuck out to me because I have the desire and I think about it everyday. I plan and fantasize about it and this made me think..."Do I worship the desire to get married?" As a matter of fact, I have become a little apprehensive about my upcoming birthday. I will be 37 and so far there are no prospects. Not even anyone who is interested. OMG!!!

So, that made me think too.  "Do I worship the idea of getting married?"

Lord, I don't want to worship that idea. I want to worship you and only you. So today as I was working my mind started to sway towards my future husband, but I had nothing. I could not fantasize. So, I thank God. Because I am single the word of God says that my things are to be of the Lord. So, that's what I want it to be. I'm glad I couldn't fantasize about marriage.

And We Are Off...

Every year for the past 5 or 6 years our church goes on a corporate 21 day fast. It starts January 1.

So, we are off on our way fasting. We don't eliminate food altogether, but we do a gradual step down. Week one we can eat meat (no pork or beef) along with veggies, but only after 7pm. We drink lots of water, juice and herbal tea.  If throughout the day we are excessively hungry we can eat raw nuts (not peanuts) and fruit. Week two we only eat veggies after 7 pm and the drinking instructions and nuts and fruit instructions apply. Week three we only eat fruit and nuts and drink plenty of water, tea, and juice.

I'm excited about this fast.

1.  I need to move forward spiritually
2.  I need to discipline my body
3.  I need to lose some weight.

I can't stand the fact that I've gained 15 pounds and fasting when done right, will help a person lose weight. I'm almost desperate. I've never been one to take a pill to lose weight, but I have two friends who have shed some serious poundage and they've been taking some type of vitamin that helps with metabolism. I'm looking into getting some.

In other news....

My health coverage started today.  Thanks Obamacare.

I'm supposed to have a gyno appointment soon. I signed up for the bronze package at Health Alliance. In addition to my budgeting and getting out of debt, I'm going to be saving for my deductible because I think it's like $6000 and I'd rather have the money in the bank just in case something happens.

I'm also paying tuition, to the tune of about $500 a month. My first payment was supposed to be December 30, but they didn't take the money out. So, I crossed over into the new year IN THE BLACK, which I have not done in a long time. I actually have about $400 in the bank. I've got to get books and the book at the community college is close to $200. It's half that on Amazon. So, yes, I will be getting it on Amazon ASAP. I have no idea how much the other book cost. I'll try to check it out soon. I hope it's not more than $100, but I've got a feeling it is.

How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...