Monday, May 21, 2012

Angel of Mine

As we were preparing for our "Plant Day" there were two grandparents of children who came to help put the plant boxes together. They were bringing their grandchild to school and I just started talking to them and told them what we were doing. I asked if they would like to help and they did. Well....we ran out of dirt and after calling the company they said they would deliver it to the school, but it was gonna be after school. I was concerned, but it didn't bother me. Mr J said he would have the students do it first thing Monday morning. Then it rained on Sunday. This is when I was concerned. The dirt would be mud....and it would be a lit heavier to dig and put into the planter boxes. Imagine my surprise when I get to the school on Monday morning and the dirt is already in the boxes....WHAT??? WHO???? Someone over the weekend had filled the boxes with the dirt. No one was was just done. Sure enough when the grandparents showed up I asked and they said that they saw the dirt and went ahead to fill the boxes. They were angels to do that!!! And I am grateful to God for placing it on their heart to do that!!! Our day would not have gone off without their help!!

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 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...