Sunday, February 5, 2012

Danger & Opportunity

The definition of "Crisis" in Chinese is two words, "Danger & Opportunity." 

Today I began to get sad. Actually, it started last night, but I decided that I wasn't gonna allow my emotions to overwhelm me. I was sad about failing at the project with the NP. I was sad about .... just life in general. What I've been through and the mistakes I've made....Well, there is no reason wallowing in the past, so I told myself that I HAD to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!

 I was thinking about Abraham Lincoln and some of the other great people who were "famous failures" and how they kept going and became great men and women. It was enough to keep me afloat, but then this morning after church I was sad again because it just feels like I'm not good enough. My hard work is not good enough. I've been floating in life going from one place to another and not being satisfied....So, I decided that to keep myself from going down the "valley of the shadow of death"--death of my dreams and death of my hopes, death of me. Not a physical death, but spiritual, emotional....So to keep myself from going that way, I decided to listen to Joel Osteen. He explained that the Bible says, "All things work TOGETHER for the good...." So that means that some things--our failures and disappointments--are working together. It's all gonna work our TOGETHER. It's not over yet until God says its over.

He gave the definition of "Crisis" as two words in Chinese, "Danger & Opportunity." It's dangerous when you go through a crisis and you allow it to hinder you, stifle you....It's opportunity when you can take that crisis and use it to propel you forward. I'm gonna use this--even though my heart is hurting--to propel me forward. GOD IS NOT FINISHED AND IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL IT'S OVER. Thank You God!!! 

**"That setback that was meant to destroy you is a setup for a comeback. That failure that's clouded your future is not the end." It's a new day, so rise up and move forward into the victory God has prepared for you!"--Joel Osteen Ministries.

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