Monday, October 11, 2010

Horrible Night

Last night was horrible. I was too afraid to go back to the hotel, so as I was winding down the evening, I was a little teary eyed because I didn't know what to do. So I decided to park at Walmart. It was crowded and even though I parked far away, I didn't want to be so far away that I was out of place. However, a car pulled up a few rows over and two guys decided to just sit in the car. While sitting a police car approached us and the guys jumped out of the car and headed towards the store and the police rode by the car and turned around and sped out the lot. As the guys watched the police speeding away they quickly returned to their car, checked to see of the police were gone and then sped away. That spooked me so I decided that I couldn't stay at that Walmart, so I headed to the other one across town. When I got there, there was a lot of activity so I didn't feel comfortable, so I left to try to find somewhere to park and sleep. I couldn't find anywhere, so I headed back to the Walmart and as I parked and waited until the activity died down, a black SUV that was parked a few rows over started up and slowly drove away while watching me. I quickly realized that he had been parked sitting in his car. I don't know if he was sleeping in his car or not. He slowly drove away and I watched as he went to the far corner of the lot and parked. I believe he was homeless too. However, at the point I didn't feel comfortable staying there, so I drove back to the first Wal-mart. The entire time that I was driving I was so tired. I hadn't gotten much sleep and my eyes were killing me. So I got back to the first Walmart and parked and there was mild activity, so I waited about a half and hour before everything died down so that I could sleep. I woke up this morning to a few cars parked next to me. It was a little after 7, so I drove into town to find a place to park to sleep. Finally, after about an hour I found a place in the park and napped before my meeting at noon. For October, the weather has been beautiful so the heat in my car didn't allow me to sleep. I had to roll my windows down to get some air.

After my nap, I had to find a place to wash up in, so I headed to the community college. I knew that the locker room would be closed because of Columbus Day, but I found a bathroom to wash myself, iron my clothes and change so that I could make it to my meeting at noon.

It is now 2:45 and I still want to sleep. I really need to catch up on my sleep before work tomorrow. I think I'm going to head back to the park.

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