Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A New Decade

Yes, I'm a "year zero" person. The new decade started at the stroke of midnight January 1, 2020 and it's amazing. I mean who knew what 2020 would look like. I can remember Y2K was a big deal. Now here we are 20 years later. OMG.

This decade has been a rollar coaster.

I was homeless in 2010.

2011--Got a job as an apartment manager. So I didn't have to pay rent. Was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Worked many part-time, temporary jobs. Was on public assistance for food stamps.

2012--God a full-time job working for the health department. I turned 35. Participated in my first 5k. We didn't run, but it was so FUN!! Experienced debilitating cramps for 3 months. Prayed and it went away. However, I found out later that I had fibroids. Possibly due to an IUD removal. Oh, yeah and my car was stolen this year. Mister and I began talking again.

2013--I saw Mister for the first time since 2007. I was being sued for not paying my car note, but the case was dropped because I was living in my car in 2010. I started a new job working for the feds and state. My income increase drastically. I met my father's side of the family. Mister went to jail because his girl lied and made it seem like he was physically assaulting her. My brother graduated from high school. I got a visit from the FBI about credit report fraud.

2014--I started back in school at UIS. I broke my toe. I became homeless again. My own doing. But it only lasted 3 months while I looked to buy a house. I wasn't able to because of my credit, but I did move into a new apartment (the same apartment building I lived in when I became homeless). I taught VBS. It was significant.

2015--I paid old debts off (old dr bills). Mister and I slept together. I cut it off with Mister and met Craig, the school administrator. Corey was supposed to call me, but never did. Ugh. I was in a spiritual slump throughout this year. My brother was shot at on the highway in St. Louis. So scary. He decided to move to Ohio with my sister. Patrice and I became friends. I met Jeremy and we went on a limo ride, but he was not the one for me. I spent Christmas with Mister and got so sick that I couldn't breathe. My sister got engaged on Christmas.

2016--I told Mister the truth about our daughter. I should have never told him the truth. I should have just left it alone. The hurt was so palpable. I gained 215lbs in 2015 and I went to see Dr Rhode and lost 35lbs. I met Eric. Meeting him was not good. I was thrown back into my childhood after one night with him. It was horrible. Mister forgave me. I was told that I had fibroids. Scary. I went to my uncle's log cabin house for the first time. Blown is beautiful. I met Rolando this year. It didn't work out. Mister invited me to KC with him. I turned him down. He met a girl who would become his wife. I met my dad's side of the family. All of my mother's children came together to my uncle's house for the first time since 2002. I took my neice to Chicago to go kayaking. I met Gov Guy (Eric Brown). It was a big mistaking hooking up with him. I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I had to move out of my apartment because the landlords were selling the building. I began seriously househunting. I made an offer on the home I"m living in now. I had a dream about fish. LOL.

2017--January 13, 2017, I became a homeowner.  We visited TN to see where my 6th greatgrand parents were buried. My cousin Phil was with us. I celebrated my 40th bday in New Orleans by myself. I met Casey. He was cool. My cousin died in July. I met Mr Ohio--Larry Hicks. I thought I was in love. I met Golf Guy-David aka Captain Morgan and we became fast friends. My sister got married in Niagara Falls in August. My brother got married in October. I broke up with Larry and got back together with him. He had a heart attack. Not in that order.

2018--I reconnected with my dad after almost 20 years. I met Charles, again. He was in Decatur, then he left. He didn't get back until September. Larry and I tried to reconnect. I met Bryan. We stopped talking right after Jen's mom died. I thought Charles was serious about marrying me. I hooked up with him and then broke up with him two weeks later. I thought we were gonna spend Christmas together. I was heartbroken.

2019--Blood clot in my leg in January. My neice was born. Heart palpitations and pre-syncope in March, April, and May. All types of medical test were done. I started taking Vitamin D and the symtoms disappeared. Charles gave me chlamydia and I realized how much of a liar he was. I took his phone and took a pic of all the women he was talking to, even the transgender woman. Bryan texted me in November and we began chatting again. I gained 30lbs. My sister came to live with me in October along with her daughter. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bryan asked me to go to Las Vegas with him. I was nervous. I started therapy in March to deal with childhood sexual abuse. It's been a rollar coaster ride. My sister got engaged, then went to jail for domestic violence. Her fiance bailed her out because he lied to the police.

2020--I got food poisoning on January 7 and realized that I had a lot of poison in my life. I told Bryan and Charles that I didn't want to talk to them anymore. Now I'm alone and I'm dealing with me. My uncle was supposed to come stay with me, but he changed his mind.....

How Does That Affect Your Values?

 I met this guy..... Oh boy..... We shall call him Dell. Dell and I met online on FB dating about a week before Christmas. During that time ...